Each Wednesday evening at 5 p.m. we meet at the church for a Bible Marking Seminar that always ends promptly at 6 p.m. Led by Pastor Mykal Ringstaff, it's a thoughtful, in-depth study.
If you've never done one, you should visit us and try it. Here's how it works:
We start with a topic from this list, which is a decal that fits nicely on the inside back cover of your bible:
...and go to the first verse in the chain. Then, each week at Bible Study, we're provided a list of related verses for one of the subjects that looks like this:
And here's how it works. In this example, you'd be working on verses related to the Second Coming (#4 in the first list). You'd start with the listed verses (in this case, John 4:2,3).
At that location in the bible, after reading and discussing it, you'd underline it in pencil and add a margin note that directs you to the second verse in the chain. In this case you'd write (2C, Heb 9:28) That indicates that for the 2nd verse in the Second Coming chain (C), you'd go to Hebrews Chapter 9, Verse 28. And so on, for all 18 verses about this subject.
Then, whenever you want to delve into a bible subject, teach someone else, or seek answers, you have a "roadmap" or "chain reference" right in your bible that you can turn to.